At the moment we do not provide a Link towards our Mail-Addresses. The Addresses shown within the grafics are still working, when you will use them within your mailer program. We
have had some problems with getting SPAM-Mails, which flooded our Mail Boxes. The worsest vendor were and Mails sent from these vendors will be discarded in any case. In the meantime we added
some more networks to our Blacklist. You’ll get the Errormessage: ”We don't accept mails sent by this network due to havy SPAM load from here.” In this case please feel free to use one of our Guestsbooks if you like to contact us without any Spam. Currantly we are working on a
solution with Mail-Forms on our pages. We kindly request you to type in our E-Mail-Adresses into the to-Field of your Mailer Program until the solution is ready.
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